AI-generated images is theft

Tarragonarte takes a stand for HUMAN art. Images generated by Artificial Intelligence are currently flooding social media and websites. Even big media companies use them in order to cut the costs, leaving hundreds of artists and creators without a job. Not to mention that AIs have been trained using available images on the internet regardless of copyright infringements, which means that the work of thousands of artists, alive or dead, has been plagiarised.

What can we do about it?

All the artworks on this website has been "glazed". Glaze is a project from the University of Chicago. Their goal is to protect digitalized images against AI-learning. Using Glaze, you can prevent AI generators to use your content against your will. Use programs such as Glaze or Nightshade (also from the University of Chicago) to stop the big Tech companies from stealing from artists and other creators.

Why is this important?

AI-generated images are slowly distorting our perception and is bending our worldview. While you may not care about artists and their jobs, you should be wary of how those images are being used to influence you. AI-generated images are already being used by political groups, making it even more difficult for us to make out what is true from what is fake.

Support Human-made content, be wary of fake content, do not use AI-generated images "even for fun".